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Thursday, August 2, 2012

MCAHQ just uploaded a video

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MCAHQ just uploaded a video:

Dong Zong has been asking a lot from MCA to help settle the problems but at the end, Dong Zong takes the credit. They criticize MCA if something goes wrong but never thank MCA for what we have done right. I can say that MCA has a clear conscience: MCA has never betrayed the Chinese community and Chinese schools. Today, a new Chinese independent high school in Kuantan has been approved. This is proof that Dong Zong is wrong in accusing MCA of betraying Chinese education. I feel that Dong Zong is defaming MCA to make MCA disappear. But MCA has faith that as long as our members can unite and stay our position, MCA will never vanish simply because of Dong Zong. MCA works hard for education and to foster talent to ensure the growth of mother tongue education in a multi-racial country. MCA does not need to satisfy Dong Zong. MCA work hard to fulfill Chinese community。

董总往往提出很多要求要马华去做过后领功的是董总做得不好就批评马华做得好就未必感谢马华我说马华尽力而为问心无愧马华从来没有背叛华教和华裔同胞而今天关丹独中被批准了再多一次地否决董总所指马华典当了华教我认为董总在抹黑马华而希望马华消失但是马华... More

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